Before your ultimate Rendez Vous experience starts, we would like to mention the following, which you may already experience on your own, but for those who do not have this much experience yet with high class ladies or gentleman, this etiquette may offer clarification. 

The affair between customer and the Rendez Vous Club can be perceived as very pleasant and surprising, this is based on mutual trust, if you have not met your companion before, a first date can be exciting.


Our companions always ensure to arrive fresh, smooth and super hygienic on the date. Their looks are assured to look great and stylish for every suitable occasion. Feel free to share your clothing and lingerie preferences for a date with us. Our companions expect that you will do the same amount of effort and care for personal hygiene as they do. Your well-kept appearance provides pleasant experiences. Following those guidelines will be highly 

appreciated. If you want to welcome our companion at home, your place needs to be cleaned up and hygienic. 


Want to pay in cash? Please ensure you hand in an open envelope the very first 15 minutes to your companion. You have been informed about the correct amount you have to pay, this has been announced in advance. If you wish to pay in a different way, this must be submitted in advance as well. We accept payments in credit card, debit card and Maestro. With Credit card payments we use a 5% surcharge, this does not apply to debit card payments. For credit card, debit card or Maestro payment, the companion has a small wireless pin device ready. You must be able to hand over a valid ID to our companion. Please note that this payment method also occurs in the first 15 minutes of the date. Take into account the current currency for that day. You are expected not to be under the influence at the start of your date, this often leads to undesirable behavior towards our companions. A real man knows his limits and respects the limits of our companions. You are expected not to be under influence of any form of drugs or alcohol at the start of your date, this often leads to undesirable behavior towards the companions. Every companion likes to be pampered, whether it is a small gesture or interest in sexual preferences. This will be greatly appreciated and will result in a very passionate date.


If you just met your companion, it is nice to take some time to get to know each other on an intellectual level first. To reduce tension, it is quite pleasant to offer your companion a drink first. If the companion does not drink alcoholic beverages, do not further insist on this. Some topics of conversation are preferred not to talk about by yourself or your companion, indicate this so that you respect each other’s boundaries. As it concerns every date, it does not have to be cross-examination, this can cause tensions and both parties do not benefit from it. 


Our companions are very discreet about your privacy, we expect you to do the same in reverse. Issuing your business card outside the Rendes Vous’ agreement for private appointments with your companion is not appreciated. Our companions have been chosen to be represented by us so that their privacy remains well guaranteed. Private number of our companion is also part of this statement. If you meet at the place of residence of your companion, you must keep in mind that the companion is most likely unable to walk around hand in hand in public with you, nor kiss in public. This is to keep her double life a secret from her friends and family. The companion will certainly compensate for this type of event in the hotel room. If it comes to our attention that you have repeatedly insisted on private contact with our companions, we will no longer be able to assist you. 


Being relaxed is a necessity when it comes to intimacy, please feel assured that our companion will do everything to get you into ecstasy. If you treat her like a true gentleman, our companion will do her best for you as well. This results in ultimate pleasure and a memorable date for both. To enjoy this moment even more, please pay close attention to your companion’s body language and ask what our companion likes. 

Safe sex 

Our companions are very fond of their physical health, they do everything they can to feel fit and healthy. They will never risk their physical health to perform services without a condom, even if you offer extra money. If you insist on unsafe services at our companion, we will no longer be of service to you. By unsafe services we mean sexual acts, oral sex and anal sex.


If you want an extra service that our companion does not offer, this will surely not happen. Everything has been discussed in advance, so you don’t have to expect any surprises, and neither does our companion. No discussion possible, no really means no. Neither does this contribute to a passionate date for both. Always respect each other’s boundaries and you will be richly rewarded. 

The end of the date 

When the last 15 minutes of the date start, the agency will contact your companion to notify you that your date has come to an end. You will also be given the opportunity to extend your date. If you want make use of the extended date, you need to fulfill the allowance for the extra hour(s) first. Once this transaction has been made, the subsequent hours will start. Dates are always extended in consultation with the agency and companion. If you indicate an extension of the date in the very first hour, you will enjoy discount rates as indicated on the website.The last 15 minutes of the date are meant to give your companion the opportunity to make herself presentable, it is not desirable to force yourself on your date. “She walks in like a lady and leaves like a lady.”


In all likelihood you are very satisfied with your companion, of course you can give a tip for this. This is never expected by our companions but always appreciated. If you would rather not give a tip, but a present as a token of your appreciation, you can find the wish list of our companion on their profile page. 

You are free to contact the agency to share your experience, perhaps you are so satisfied that you immediately want to book one of our companions again. Do you have any comments or remarks? Please, feel free to share this with us, so we can improve our working method and continue to guarantee a pleasant experience for you.