Becoming a high class escort at The Rendez Vous Club

1. Complete the registration form on the website. 

The application form is a general form that you can fill out when we sparked-up your interest in becoming a high class companion (as we call our escort ladies & men). In this form you can already think about yourself, why do I want to become a high class escort? What do I need for this? How did you find The Rendez Vous Club? Do you have any experience with the profession? We can get to know a better picture of you by answering all the questions in clear detail.

2. We will contact you by telephone within 3 working days to schedule an appointment with us at the office in the heart of Rotterdam or elsewhere. 

We will always respond to your application, even if it is not a match. We can explain why it is not a match,  in case you want to know this. If we see a potential match we would like to see you in person. For us, it is very important to meet someone, to capture your ambiance and the energy that you have around yourself. For this meeting we will bring an intro document, all basic information can be found there.

3. At our office in the heart of Rotterdam or elsewhere we drink a cup of tea or something of your choice to get to know each other better. 

We are curious to meet you! To become a high class escort we have some expectations of you as a person. You may also have some expectations of us as your agent. During this conversation you can ask all your questions and we can get to know each other, for example;  What’s is it like to be a high class escort at The Rendez Vous Club? What does a typical date look like?

4. From there you can let all the information sink in; we will contact you within 5 working days. If there is interest from both sides, there is a next appointment. 

It is important that we feel the connection. We need to feel like you are bringing a new spark to the companion’s team. We really work as a team, hereby we value men & ladies that fit within that personal atmosphere. There is work to be done when both parties agree to work together; we will meet again shortly after!

5. The next meeting is about understanding our standards, the protocol when being booked, signing contracts and in addition we will ask you to show us lingerie or underwear and date night outfits as we are above everything for custom style, but we will share what most customers will require from you. 

During the first meeting we got to know each other superficially. We engage in a deeper conversation about intimacy when we decide to work together. We would like you to understand our vision and mission of The Rendez Vous Club and get to know you better so we can match you with a specific request. We also work on your own page on the website; you can think about how you want to position yourself as a high class companion!

6. We’ll do a photo shoot and sign your contract! 

The best part during the application process is the photo shoot. Since Robin Griffin is a photographer, she will do all the photo shoots herself with the assistance of Yannick Voest for the creative directing of the photoshoot. We will come up with a concept that fits your personality and will bring out the best in you and your high class escort persona. We plan this photo shoot at a beautiful location, we can have a drink and sign your contract on the spot. At this point: welcome as an exclusive Rendez Vous Club companion!

We especially want you to know that experience is not necessary, we will guide you in everything.